The Profile of

Institute for Economic and Social Research

(Lembaga Penyelidikan Ekonomi dan Masyarakat - LPEM)

(source : LPEM FE UI Catalogue Book)

Economic growth expectation
How do you think the Indonesian economy will grow in the next quarter?

negative growth
positive growth

Current Results


Science will never developed without research activities. As part of the academic process in the Faculty of Economics of the University of Indonesia (FE UI), in 1952 the dean Prof. Dr. Soemitro Djojohadikoesoemo founded two academic institutions, namely Business Economic Seminar and Community Research Agency, to perform doctoral degree research activities.

In 1953, the Community Research Agency changes into Economic and Community Research Institution (LPEM), the name used until now, and the Business Economic Seminar integrated into LPEM.

The political, economic and social crisis in the mid of 60s had turned the vision of LPEM from merely academic matters into national economic matters. This changes seen from many of the LPEM chairmen who become the minister or minister degree chairman in the early of the New Order government.


Research and Consultant.
Most of the research and consultation held by LPEM had been done under cooperation with many other institutions, government or private, foreign or local. For the past 25 years LPEM had undertaken 325 research projects with many subjects. Among them are institutional subjects, regional finance, international economics, banking and finance, fiscal and monetary subjects, tourism, village development etc.

Training and Education (TE).
Regular TE had been carried out since 1978, began with National Program Planning Course (Kursus Program Perencanaan Nasional), consisted of Development Project Planning Course, Agriculture and Agroindustry Planning Course, Transportation Project Planning Course.

In 1982, in colaboration with National Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional-Bappenas), LPEM held the regional finance course and training, until present.

LPEM held cooperation with many foregin instituion, such as Educational Development Institute (EDI) from World Bank, Development and Project Planning Center from University of Bradford, UK, Institute of Local and Government Studies from University of Birmingham, UK, and United Nation Center for Regional Development, Nagoya, Japan.

Additional Activities

Economic Planning Information Center (Pusat Informasi Perencanaan Ekonomi-PIPE) is the library held by LPEM and the membership not only for the LPEM member but also from other intitution who wants to get any information for their research. Right now PIPE has 26000 title of books and 85 title of journals and paper.

LPEM has many database to help conducted his research. Among them are regional finance, industrial economics, monetary and public finance, international trade etc.

LPEM published his quarterly scientific journal name Indonesian Economic and Finance (Ekonomi dan Keuangan Indonesia - EKI). EKI first published at in 1948 name Maandblad Voor Financien and changed into EKI in 1952.

Human Resource

LPEM supported by 65 research staff more or less, with next specification :

In order to increase the quality of research staff, LPEM has promoted his staff to go abroad taking master or doctoral degree in economics. LPEM also receives foregin consultant or visiting scholar in the framework of information and science exchange.


LPEM has two buildings with 2,831 m2 wide. The main building is 7 floor height and used for the main research activities, while the other is used for the training and education activities. For daily operation, LPEM has 110 personal computers, 5 copy machines and 10 overhead projectors, besides many others.

LPEM Board 1998-2000

Advisory Board

  1. Prof. Dr. Satrio Budihardjo Joedono
  2. Prof. Dr. Moh. Arsjad Anwar
  3. Prof. Dr. Rustam Didong
  4. Prof. Dr. Dorodjatun Kuntjoro-Jakti
  5. Dr. Darmin Nasution


Head: Dr. Sri Mulyani Indrawati
Vice for the Research Field: Anton H. Gunawan SE, MA, MPhil.
Vice for the TE Field: Hera Susanti, SE, Msc.
Vice for the Administration Field: Suyanti Ismaryanto SE, MSc.

For further information contact:
[email protected]
Jl Salemba Raya 4
Jakarta Pusat
Telp. 3143177
Fax. 334310